1. Learn TCP/IP, Basic Information gathering,Proxies, Socks, SSL, VPN, VPS, RDP, FTP, POP3,SMTP, Telnet, SSH.2. Learn Linux, Unix, Windows - You can do this using vmware or any virtual desktop utility.3. Learn a programming language that's compatible with all OS - Perl, Python, C .4. Learn HTML, PHP, Javascript, ASP, XML, SQL, XSS, SQLI, RFI,LFI5. Learn Reverse engineering and crack some programs for serials easy ones like mirc,winzip, winrar or old games.6. Code a fuzzer for common protocols - ftp, pop3, 80, 8080 - Pick some free software likeftp server, mail server, apache or iis webserver or a webserver all-in-one pack, orteamspeak, ventrilo, mumble.7. Code a tool that uses grep to sort out unique code in source codes.8. Make a custom IPtable,...